Friday 5 April 2013


The last couple of weeks in Cochabamba were so so busy, with finishing stuff off for work, seeing people for the last time, showing new volunteers around, the last few errands, and some very teary goodbyes. Which is why I haven't managed to blog so much.

I wrote some things for Proyecto's blog about some of the things we did with the kids right here:

On my last day, the kids each brough in potatoes, eggs, carrots, peas and mayonnaise to make a huge pot of potato salad for my goodbye meal. They also made me a little plate with all of their fingerprints and a class photo on, it was really sad saying goodbye, even though I know I will definitely be returning one day...

With my host family I also had a final meal with some relatives and Eliza and some friends... I will miss my ma Chuly so much!

Then I hopped on a bus one night to La Paz. Everyone in Cochabamba always say they hate it there because it's so cold, so I was expecting the worst, but by England's standards it is pretty warm. Those Cochabambinos don't know cold!
La Paz is so bustly, there's even more going on than Cocha and there are a lot more cool little places to discover. I went to el museo de la coca, la amazing iglesia de San Fransisco, and other than that mostly just walked around the markets, bought the last camera I am going to buy on this continent I promise (I lost my last one, and having searched absolutely everywhere it has dissapeared), as well as some unusual articles such as a llama bottle opener and a beautifully carved wooden spoon. Found some really cool little areas, hidden streets and definitely got lost searching for the Rocklets shop (smarties but better) that I had seen on the way in. I also found a really nice little cafe, Sol y Luna, which was on the perfect corner for people watching. Also went to some crackin bars, one which was designed like on old rusty train, had old train parts  and rusty trumpets hanging from the roof, everything made out of metal, and a warm coal train fire. Also Ttkos this funky reggae place in a basement where I met loads of Germans.

And then, time to leave this wonderful country I have so many feelings for.

Here are a couple of out of the window shots from the journey, playing with the settings on my new camera;
View over La Paz on the drive up to el Alto 

La Paz 
Titicaca, bloomin huge!

I arrived in Lima at about 6, after having seen the sea for the first time in months! Lima is huge, really developed compared to Bolivia and it felt a bit wierd really. Drove through the whole city through rush hour and saw Macdonalds and Starbucks which I haven't missed. 
It was really perfect timing; I only had to wait an hour for the bus, and, ooohh boy was it an incredible journey. It was one of those luxury buses where you get your own tv screen witha choice of movies, music, games with internet (that only worked in the cities) and blankets and magazines and hot dinner and breakfast... and I felt like a queen!
When we got on they had this introductory video with a beautiful Peruvian bus attendant waiting on her equally charmed and happy guests, even explaining how exectly to open and close the bathroom door and how to put your things in the overhead compartments.
It was so nice. I very almost slept well but I think thats an inability I have even on the most comfy bus seats. And the landscapes were amazing, desert, mountains, huge valleys, and again, the sea. This doesn't capture it at all:

Arrived in Arequipa I was met by the lovely Kerryn and showed me to the hostel, El Patio de Elisa. It is so so nice, and they have a deal with Intiwawa (the project I will be working with here) to give cheap rates to volunteers. Perfect. Here is a photo:
it's even nicer in real life
It was so nice to have a shower with hot water after so long! and the room I am sharing with Beth (who arrived this morning) is really nice and it is just great. There is a rooftop you can climb up onto for sunsets:

So in conclusion Arequipa is lovely.

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