Friday 8 February 2013

Start of work at Proyecto Horizonte

This week I have started work properly at Proyecto Horizonte. In the mornings I help in the kindergarten in a class of about 30 3 year olds with 2 teachers Raquel and Susannah. The children have breakfast, lunch and snacks here and inbetween we go for walks in the community, play in the park, lots of playing, sing songs, learn about colours, days of the week numbers etc... as well as why fruit and vegetables are great and why washing your hands is good. Most of the children are absolute angels and get on really well, but there are a few right little rascals and also some who are really home sick and cry all day. I have had many an encounter with pooey bottoms but not as bad as my friend Aline, who got peed on yesterday and has her class of crying 2 year olds following her in her dreams!

My class Inicio 2, eatin platanos

Congestion as someone got stuck up on the slide

Cayetana and Drisley

In the afternoons I am working on news production and communications. This involves co-ordinating and writing articles about everything that goes on here; from events and meetings with other organisations to everyday activities and impressions. We are trying to increase our social networking activity to increase awareness about what we're doing! It's a lot of work, but it's really good as I can continue with it when I get home. Also I have missed making posters and doing presentations and writing letters and using that part of my brain since college!
If you'd like to be added to Proyecto Horizonte's mailing list and receive updates and photos about what's occuring just let me know!

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